埃里克·尼采的早年生活De unge år: Erik Nietzsche sagaen del 1(2007)

又名:The Early Years: Erik Nietzsche Part 1


主演:乔纳唐·斯潘格 David Dencik Carl Martin Norén Christian Damsgaard 

导演:雅克伯·塞森 / 





Plot Summary:Erik Nietzsche is an intelligent but in many ways inexperienced shy young man who is convinced that he wants to be a film director. In the late 1970s, Erik is accepted by the Danish National Film School where he enters a world of angry and unhelpful tutors, weird fellow students and unwritten rules. In this both exhilarating and angst-provoking period for him, Erik feels increasingly like a foreigner in the film industry. Frequently, he is merely an observer of the absurdities that surround him. He encounters trade union disputes, falls in love and experiences self-assured empowered women who refuse to make a commitment. The film is a drama full of comedy - a sharp portrait of a conceited but entertaining world of film which we suspect our dogged young director will eventually conquer with his vision.
在上个世纪七十年代末期,聪明但缺乏经验的伊瑞克决心要成为一名导演,他幸运地获得丹麦国家电影学院的入学许可,费尽心机与情绪不稳定的指导教授及行事缺乏逻辑的怪胎同学奋战,努力往导演之路前进。   这是属于本片编剧拉斯·冯·提尔的私人电影梦,片中不乏像《八又二分之一》、《日以继夜》致敬的神来之笔,乡愁中流露温柔与感性。
