Plot Summary:Six months later. Thom struggles as working as the only human in the Lair and with his role as Damian's only blood supply. Damian suggests an "open relationship" but Thom refuses. Richie, now doing Frankie's old job at the Lair, finds Colin's amulet on the floor. He sweeps up Colin's ashes and stores them under his bed. Meanwhile, Sheriff Trout is missing Ian (who has fled the island), revisits old memories of another young man. He responds to a knock at his door but no one is there. Tim invites Athan, an antiquities researcher newly arrived on the island, to rent Jake's old house. A local picks up Athan later and, after they have sex, Athan transforms into a male gorgon and turns his trick to stone. Damian and Richie secure Damian's portrait in a storeroom. A disused phone in the room rings. Richie answers and states that it's Colin, and he is returning.