Plot Summary:A reinvention of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. The radical new take on Dickens' classic seeks both to exhume the original story's gritty commentary on social inequality and the corrupting influence of greed, and to breathe new life into the lyricism of the original text by setting its scenes to extraordinary tableaux of modern dance. The opening scenes of the film follow a Victorian family preparing a toy theatre for their annual performance of 'A Christmas Carol'. As the family's grandmother narrates the much-edited story and her grandchildren change the scenery, we enter the imagination of one of the children in the audience and watch as the cardboard stage, and the story with it, transforms into a darkly fantastical otherworld.
新版[圣诞颂歌]将在本月美国电影交易市场(AFM)预售,国际销售由Saboteur Media负责。影片改编自狄更斯同名原著,从维多利亚时代一个家庭准备一年一度《圣诞颂歌》玩具表演讲起。全英伦配音卡司包括凯瑞·穆里根、丹尼尔·卡卢亚、安迪·瑟金斯、马丁·弗瑞曼。大卫·莫里斯、杰奎伊·莫里斯([麦库林])执导。该片已于八月在英国、乌克兰完成拍摄,明年年中上映。