黑暗拥有者Último deseo(1976)

又名:The People Who Own the Dark / Last Desire


主演:娜柳丝卡 阿尔维托·德·门多萨 特雷莎·希梅拉 埃米利亚诺·雷东多 Julia Saly Tomás Picó Diana Polakov Antonio Mayans Leona Devine Ricardo Palacios Carmen Platero Estela Delgado Barta Barri Gumersindo Andrés Gonzalo Tejada 玛利亚·珀丝齐 保罗·纳什 

导演:莱昂·克利莫夫斯基 / 





Plot Summary:A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
