
又名:魔鬼部队 / 残酷大浩劫 / Laboratory of the Devil / Man Behind the Sun 2 / Man Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Devil / Maruta 2: Laboratory of the Devil / Men Behind the Sun 2 / Men Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Devil / Unit 731: Laboratory of the Devil


主演:梁婉静 朱刚 温文鹰 余铭康 

导演:何志强 / 




日期 资源名称
2022-09-25 黑太阳731续集之杀人工厂【影知堂社区 简繁字幕】Man.Behind.the.Sun.2.Labo
2021-05-21 黑太阳731.Man.Behind.the.Sun.1988.BluRay.1080p.x265.1
2021-01-27 黑太阳731.Man.Behind.the.Sun.1988.BluRay.1080p.x265.1


Plot Summary:In the spring of 1935, Japan established a secret base, Unit 731 in Manchuria, where many innocent Chinese, Korean and Mongolian people were killed in grotesque experiments. An idealistic young doctor , Morishima, is horrified by the experiments being performed in the camp and when his fiancée arrives disguised as a Chinese prisoner he sets out to liberate the camp. A docudrama sequel to the notorious Men Behind the Sun, which pulls no punches when it comes to delivering the shocks!
广岛和长崎的两枚原子弹,终结了日本帝国主义蹂躏世界的恶行,却无法抹去披着人皮的恶魔们犯下的不可饶恕的罪业。20世纪50年代初的一天,贵族出身的佐川受邀来到樱花馆,此时会场内已经座无虚席,来宾竟然都是当年在731部队的战友。731部队臭名昭著,幸存者苟且偷生,但佐川独独无法忘怀三千六百名作为实验品惨死在哈尔滨的亡灵。这场聚会由未知的外国势力主办,东道主的目的只有一个,那就是借助老731的人力和经验再度研发杀伤力巨大的细菌武器。丰厚的报酬令一些早已丧失了人性的家伙垂涎三尺,但佐川却对此出离愤怒。面对这群人,他终于启齿回忆起关于731部队的一段罪恶又令人悲惋的往事。   转眼回到1945年,饭田太郎和爱子的故事浮出水面……
