Asrar ganj dareheye jenni(1974)

又名:The Ghost Valley's Treasure Mysteries


主演:Parviz Sayyad 玛丽·阿皮克 Shahnaz Tehrani 

导演:艾布拉希姆·格勒斯坦 / 

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Asrar ganj dareheye jenni:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Ali (Parviz Sayyad) who is a poor farmer when plowing his farm finds a treasure. He secretly begins to sell some of this treasure in the city and making a luxurious life for himself. By the encouragements of some customers of his treasure in the city he decides to divorce his rural wife and marry a girl from the city. But some of the villagers are after his treasure and his big marriage will not be without problems.
