死肉Dead Meat(2004)

又名:致命食肉狂 / 致命肉食


主演:Marian Araujo 

导演:Conor McMahon / 





Plot Summary:The tourist Helena (Marián Araújo) and her mate Martin (David Ryan) are traveling by car through the County of Leitrim, Ireland, when Martin hits a man. He brings the body to his car, and the corpse returns to live and bites him. Helena looks for help in a cottage and is attacked inclusive by Martin. Sooner she realizes that the place is infested of zombies. She meets the gravedigger Desmond (David Muyllaert) and they cross the countryside trying to find a safe place. They meet another couple and they become aware that the mad cow disease has infected humans transforming them in living dead.
旅游爱好者海伦娜(Marian Araujo 饰)和马丁(David Ryan 饰)正驱车行驶在爱尔兰的乡间,车子不慎撞到一个男子。慌乱之际马丁将尸体拖入车中,谁知尸体竟然复活,对马丁进行疯狂血腥的攻击。惊慌失措的海伦娜跑下车,到附近的农户寻求帮助。却遭到包括马丁在内的一群疯狂之人的袭击。   海伦娜终于意识到,这个村中的人因某种不明原因已全部转化为嗜血如命、丧失人性的恐怖僵尸。她必须和其他幸存者团结一致,逃出这个危机重重的死亡之地……
