
又名:The Fall


主演:周立冬 闫鹿杨 马嘉铭 鲁大举 陈刚 杨明逸 牛钸斯 

导演:周立冬 / 



日期 资源名称
2021-03-30 秋田2018hd1080p国语中字v+dyzy358.mp4



Plot Summary:Old Lin has been running a moderate company as a small boss. There are three members of his family: his wife lives abroad and his son is preparing for the college entrance exam. His daily life is simple. Except for clocking in and clocking out of the company, he stays at home to watch TV and scold his son, or hangs out with old friends for a drink. His life goes in no hurry. When summer comes, old Lin makes a deal with a big company, but that company does not pay him as promised. Old Lin has to retrieve his money as soon as possible, or his small company will get into serious trouble. From now on, the life of Old Lin's has changed.
老林经营着一个不大的公司,是个小老板。他一家三口,老婆在国外,儿子马上高考。老林没啥特别的爱好,他的日常很简单:除了上班、下班,在家里看看电视、吆喝吆喝儿子,就是与老友们喝喝小酒。他的生活机器也就这般,不紧不慢运转着。   入夏,老林跟一家大企业做了笔买卖,可大企业没如约付他货款,老林需要尽快讨回他的货款,不然,他的小公司可就麻烦了。自此,他的生活机器跟以前转得不一样了……
