里斯本之歌A Canção de Lisboa(1933)

又名:A Song of Lisbon


主演:Vasco Santana Beatriz Costa 安东尼奥·西尔瓦 Teresa Gomes Sofía Santos Alfredo Silva Ana María 曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉 Eduardo Fernandes Silvestre Alegrim Manuel Santos Carvalho Henrique Alves Artur Rodrigues Júlia da Assunção Maria Albertina 

导演:José Cottinelli Telmo / 





Plot Summary:How happy and proud they are those two ladies back in their Tras-os-Montes region! Thanks to them, their bright nephew can study medicine in Lisbon and may already have become a physician. Little do they know. Not only has Vasco wasted his time drinking, dancing and picking up girls but he has just failed his examination. To crown it all, his two aunts announce their visit. Totally distraught, Vasco tries to make them believe he is already a doctor, but they are not taken in and decide to cut off their support from him...
医学院学生受远在 Trás-os-Montes 的姑妈们资助到里斯本读书,花光了钱过着波西米亚生活之时,姑妈突然来访 ... 怎样才能假扮做一名医生呢?   《里斯本之歌》是葡萄牙电影史上第一部真正意义上自制的有声影片,作为一部“音乐喜剧”,受到了空前的欢迎。女主角科斯塔是当时葡萄牙影坛最卖座、最受欢迎的女明星。男性角色也由最了不起的喜剧演员饰演。年轻英俊的奥利维拉在片中出演了Carlos一角。
