五月花 第三季Darling Buds of May(1993)

主演:大卫·杰森 帕姆·费里斯 凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯 约瑟夫·班尼特 蒂姆·怀尔顿 大卫·科林斯 

导演:大卫·贾尔斯 / 

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五月花 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As the twins are disrupting the village school Pop sends them to Brockhurst College, a nearby boarding school, but it is short of cash and in need of repair and the twins run away and come home. The Larkins are having the roof mended and Primrose falls for hunky young builder Tony. Charley gets a job - thanks to Mariette's intervention - as the manager of Bristows, the local brewery to whom they plan to sell their hops. Unfortunately, the brewery, like the school, appears to be in dire financial straits.
