Plot Summary:The uniquely intertwined lives of four kindred souls: a priest, a single mother, her teenage son, and an artist are examined in this timeless, inventive story about truth, redemption, love, and the pursuit of acceptance. Pieces Of A Dream cleverly interweaves four vignettes exploring human nature, character, and morality. Piece One--Genesis: "Now I Lay Me" ---opens with the dreams of Shepard Flockings (Shep), a charming young priest in a "close-knit" mid-American neighborhood. Well-respected by both young & old alike, he struggles with the constant pressures of perceived perfection and his own desires and faith. Through endless recurring dreams and the guidance of the older Father Isom, Shep seeks the definitive answer to the age-old question, "Does sin have weight?" However, when their brightest star falls and Shep is shockingly accused of child molestation, the neighborhood is suddenly torn in half. What once seemed to be a picture of the "perfect man," is now made to be a monster, ...
Four uniquely intertwined stories involving: a priest seeking truth, a young mother seeking redemption, an artist seeking love, and a young boy seeking acceptance; weigh in on the age old moral question---"Does sin have weight?"