公爵街的公爵夫人 第二季The Duchess of Duke Street(1977)

主演:杰玛·琼斯 茱恩·布朗 约翰·卡特 Holly De Jong Mary Healey Victoria Plucknett Christine Pollon John Rapley Renee Roberts Ronald Russell 马丁·肖 Anthony Stafford 约翰·威尔士 

导演:Bill Bain / 

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公爵街的公爵夫人 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Louisa finds herself quite busy when her parents and her brother Arthur arrive for a visit. Her overbearing mother makes it clear that they would like to spend some time as guests at the hotel and Louisa reluctantly agrees. She also agrees to hire her brother Arthur, whom she has not seen for ten years. Problems are immediately apparent. The staff finds her mother's constant requests for service off-putting and eventually decides just to ignore her. It is her brother however who causes the most trouble when he attempts to displace Merriman. The last straw is her mother's suggestion that she dismiss all of the staff and let the family takes over their jobs.
