Plot Summary:Winslow needs money now to pay off gambling debts. If only his rich uncle Albert would die. But his orderlies are very good. Maybe by hiring three of the worst orderlies around, he can speed things up. Fortunately for him, he finds Markie, Buffy, and Kool, who have just been fired from their last job. With them around, he should have the money real soon.
形同枯槁的年迈富翁丹那森家里来了三位生性爱闹、善良、可爱的打工肥仔,三人形影不离,总有让人捧腹之举。在三个肥仔的帮助下,丹那森奇迹般的战胜了死神,重新找回了年青的感觉,甚至比年轻人的身体还棒。就在这时,一直觊觎财产的管家劳瑞打算谋害丹那森,于是三肥仔与劳瑞一伙斗智斗勇... 该片情节轻松滑稽,三位肥仔精彩夸张的表演让您从头笑到尾。 制作/发行: 制作公司 1. 华纳兄弟公司 [美国] 发行公司 1. 华纳家庭视频公司 [美国] (1991) (USA) (VHS)