少年超人 第二季Superboy(1989)

主演:Gerard Christopher 斯黛西·海达克 伊兰·米切尔-史密斯 舍曼·霍华德 Michael Manno Douglas Brush 凯文·考利甘 Thom Scoggins Linda Perri David Cullinane James R. Greene 

导演:大卫·努特尔 / 

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少年超人 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lex Luthor returns, kidnaps Lana, forces her to marry him, and assumes the identity of a doctor that created a weapon that could paralyze Superboy forever.
Lex Luthor returns, kidnaps Lana, forces her to marry him, and assumes the identity of a doctor that created a weapon that could paralyze Superboy forever.
