教子有方 第二季Outnumbered(2008)

主演:休·丹尼斯 克莱尔·斯金纳 泰戈尔· 德鲁-哈尼 

导演:安迪·汉密尔顿 / 盖·简金 / 

教子有方 第二季:在线播放

教子有方 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

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教子有方 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Even before the Brockmans have set out for cousin Julie's wedding 'Executive Bridesmaid' Karen has got locked in the toilet and Ben needs a lecture on behaving himself in public. Arriving for the big day Karen asks the bride awkward questions about her previous lovers and Ben quizzes the vicar on how Jesus would fight off a polar bear. Whilst Ben dips sardines into the chocolate fountain Sue tries not to argue with Angela but finds her sister has stabbed her in the back by expressing her opinion of her family to a bride already unhappy that her love life seems so public. On arrival home Karen promises to keep secret her mother's reaction.
