蔷薇处处开The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady(1950)


主演:琼·哈弗 高登·麦克瑞 詹姆斯·巴顿 S·Z·萨卡尔 吉恩·纳尔逊 黛比·雷诺斯 

导演:大卫·巴特勒 / 





Plot Summary:Patricia O'Grady is the daughter of Irish Vaudeville performer, Rosie O'Grady, and is being raised along with her sisters by her father who believes the Vaudeville life contributed to his wife's early demise. Thus he doesn't want his daughters involved in any way with performing arts, so when she falls for a performer, successful Tony Pastor, their love faces a challenge from dad. As might be expected, there are some complications, but there is finally acceptance and reunion as father and daughter reconcile by the end of the movie. Thirteen songs and eight dances surround the dialog in this comedy/ musical. This film is also the first major role for Debbie Reynolds (Maureen O'Grady).
