When a Man's a Man(1935)

又名:Saga of the West


主演:乔治·奥布莱恩 多萝西·威尔逊 保罗·凯利 Harry Woods Jimmy Butler Richard Carlyle Clarence Wilson Edgar Norton 斯坦利·布莱斯通 Dick Botiller Charles Brinley Ralph Bucko Roy Bucko Ken Cooper Lester Dorr 弗兰克·埃利斯 Sid Jordan Tracy Layne Jack Montgomery Rose Plumer Arthur Thalasso Slim Whitaker 

导演:爱德华·克莱因 / 

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Plot Summary:A landslide has diverted water from the Baldwin ranch to Cambert's. With their cattle dying, Cambert refuses to let them have any water. Easterner Larry Knight takes a job with the Baldwins and he has a plan to divert the water back to the Baldwin ranch. But Phil, jealous of Kitty's attraction to Larry, lets Cambert know of the scheme.
A landslide has diverted water from the Baldwin ranch to Cambert's. With their cattle dying, Cambert refuses to let them have any water. Easterner Larry Knight takes a job with the Baldwins and he has a plan to divert the water back to the Baldwin ranch. But Phil, jealous of Kitty's attraction to Larry, lets Cambert know of the scheme.
