五月花 第二季Darling Buds of May(1992)

主演:大卫·杰森 帕姆·费里斯 Philip Franks 凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯 伊斯拉·布莱尔 安迪·瑟金斯 Gabrielle Lloyd 

导演:加雷斯·戴维斯 / 

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五月花 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Mariette gives birth to a boy, John Blenheim, and, when the vicar, Reverend Candy, comes to see about the christening, he persuades the Larkins to have all their children baptised. Primrose takes an immediate shine to the young parson. Pop buys some jumble from elderly Mrs. Meredith and comes up against her nephew, Captain Broadbent, who accuses Pop of swindling his aunt when, in fact, Broadbent is the swindler, anxious to get his hands on his aunt's antique vase. Pop plays him at his own game, making him pay over the odds for the vase and giving Mrs. Meredith the takings but Charley is less successful with his venture into scrap-dealing.
