我的余生Die reste meines Lebens(2017)


主演:Karoline Bär Daniel Arthur Fischer Christian Grashof 

导演:Jens Wischnewski / 





Plot Summary:Schimon is a lucky guy. He has found the love of his life, and made his passion for the world of sound into a career. He is convinced that fate is on his side. "Everything happens the way it should," is what his grandfather prophesized for him. But then everything falls apart. A string of catastrophic misfortune leads to the death of his pregnant wife. Despite his grief, Schimon trusts that life will make it up to him somehow. Instead of giving up, he fights. And he falls in love. Head over heels. Was his grandfather right after all? Was everything really meant to happen this way? Just weeks after the death of his wife, he's convinced of his new love. But then what's left of his life catches up with him.
