A Safe Investment(1915)


主演:西德尼·德鲁 Mrs. Sidney Drew 唐纳德麦克布赖德 

导演:Sidney Drew / 

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Plot Summary:Charley Sharp, a broker's clerk, with the aid of two pals starts the "Gee Whiz Mining Co.," and so well do they launch the enterprise that the money simply pours in. Dividends are paid the first month and Sharp, not trusting the banks, brings home his share and gives it to his wife to keep for him. She, spurred on by her husband's insinuation that she knows nothing about business, determines to show him that she does. The Gee Whiz mine stocks seem to be the best paying investment on the market, so she simply invests all her husband's money in them, not knowing that the whole affair is a fake promoted by her husband. Meanwhile, the secret service people have been busy, and immediately after Mrs. Sharp has deposited the money in the Gee Whiz office the place is raided and all holdings confiscated. Sharp escapes the clutches of the law and rushes home, where he gasps and chokes on learning of his wife's awful mistake, then, as the police arrest him, he goes out with bowed head and silent...
