Rosalie: Blondes Like it Hot(1983)

又名:Rosalie se découvre / L'initiation de Rosalie


主演:沃琳咖·哈德丽曼 Gabriel Pontello Virginie Chevrier André Kay 

导演:Michel Lemoine / 

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Rosalie: Blondes Like it Hot:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Rosalie goes to the big city, Zürich from a small village to work as an assistant to Dr. Palmer. Advised by her colleague she changes her outlook from a sweet, nice girl into a sexy woman, and immediately gets an invitation to spend the weekend with him. When her fiancé comes to visit her, but does not find her home, he and Brigitte, the doctor's wife have a nice time together, then make a plan to get their partners back on the yearly masked ball.
