Plot Summary:Josh is an ordinary teen living in an ordinary suburb, wedged between the high school, the mine and the skate park. One morning, he finds his friend Thomas's dead body. Next, he discovers that three more friends also killed themselves, leaving him out of their pact. As the sole survivor, Josh becomes more and more detached from the world around him. Only Mia, his best friend's girl, can reach him. With more questions than answers, Josh's is the story of a survivor. It is a modern portrait of today's teens: invincible yet fragile, clear-thinking yet confused, idealistic yet jaded.
加拿大魁北克,正在读高中的乔什(Maxime Dumontier 饰)、萨沙(Niels Schneider 饰)、西蒙(Sébastien Bergeron-Carranza 饰)、亚历克斯(Jean-Noel Raymond-Jetté 饰)和托马斯(Maxime Bessette 饰)是5个形影不离的好朋友。萨沙死后的某一天,西蒙、亚历克斯和托马斯相约在不同的地方自杀,只留下乔什孤单一人面对好友们留给他的悲伤。 如今的乔什与周围的世界越来越疏远,他徘徊于曾经与好友出没的场所,沉浸在无尽的回忆与恐慌之中。只有萨沙的女友米娅(Chloé Bourgeois 饰)才能走进乔什封闭的内心世界,适时给他以爱抚……