Plot Summary:During a SWAT bust, Steve's LAPD friend Douglas Quinten 'Doug' Vogel gets killed by a bullet from his own commander, Max Jupe, who is two years from retirement. City Attorney Andrew Chivers forbids Max any contact with the widow Janine, who quickly accepts the 20% profit-sharing legal services of slick attorney Daniel Brent. Actually. Max and Janine were secret lovers who planned Doug's death. Mark quickly catches on when Max is diagnosed with chickenpox, a recent problem in Janine's daycare center, although the lovers claim not to have met in three months. A 'shooting demonstration' by cocky Max proves that he doesn't need glasses and he is a superb marksman. Janine takes another lover-her lawyer Brent, who is suing Max and the city for $10 million. Brent accidentally finds out about her murderous deal with Max, which starts a new round of greed and deceit...