
又名:Pink Dads / Papa Rainbow / 彩虹伴我行

上映日期:2016-01-26 / 2016-11-02(法国文化中心)片长:77分钟

主演:玫瑰爸爸 威风爸爸 骄傲爸爸 小涛爸爸 

导演:范坡坡 / 





Plot Summary:In China, most families have difficulties facing their lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGBT) children. They have to contend with common social beliefs that homosexuality is shameful, abnormal, a perverted condition caused by deviant family relationships. Many parents see their kids as their property, and fathers often assert their authority to ensure that no harm comes to the family reputation. The documentary 'Papa Rainbow' features six Chinese fathers who talk openly and freely about their experiences with their LGBT children. Speaking out against discrimination and stigma, they redefine what it means to protect a household. They fully embrace their kids for who they are, and become pioneer activists fighting for an equal and diverse society.
在中国,大部分家庭难以面对同性恋、双性恋、跨性别的孩子。很多父母把子女当做自己的财产,而父亲在家庭中更是扮演着权威角色。男权、专制、保守,这些名词就是爸爸的名字?四年前我们拍摄了《彩虹伴我行》,现在又找来六位父亲和家人一起现身讲述他们的故事。他们来自中国的不同区域,有着不同的文化背景、生活经验,面对孩子的“出柜”他们也有过复杂的心情。   而现在,除了接受自己的孩子,他们还大胆迈出了你们难以想象的一步!两个为期两天的戏剧工作坊中,面临巨大挑战,彩虹老爸们将展现让你意想不到的演技大爆发!打破固有的男性气质规范,解放僵硬的性取向藩篱,用实际行动将爱进行到底!
