我为蜻蜓狂Once I Was a Dragonfly(2017)


主演:Miikka Friman 

导演:Elli Toivoniemi / 





Plot Summary:Dragonfly is a film that follows a 24-year-old Miikka Friman who has grown up with dragonflies. He was inspired already at the age of six by a dragonfly that landed on his shoulder and his inspiration gradually turned into a way of living which still almost two decades later drives Miikka onto his expeditions. Miikka has been living his whole life with a camera on his hand, researching dragonflies and documenting the important milestones of his live. The film will show in parallel Miikka's development from a young enthusiastic filmmaker into a grown man while revealing the trajectory of a dragonfly.
影片《我为蜻蜓狂》跟踪拍摄了25岁的主人公米卡·弗里曼和蜻蜓一起长大的故事。六岁时,一只蜻蜓落在他的肩膀上,给他带来了灵感,后来又演变成一种生活方式,在随后的20年引领着米卡去探险。   米卡平日里摄像机不离手,他研究蜻蜓,记录生活中的重要时刻。影片以蜻蜓为线索的同时,也呈现了米卡从一位充满热情的年轻电影人长大成人的过程。   这部纪录片取材于米卡·弗里曼本人与其家人记录下来的影像资料,素材时长共1500小时。
