
又名:祖先万万岁 / 御先祖大人万万岁

主演:胜生真沙子 古川登志夫 绪方贤一 鹫尾真知子 玄田哲章 山寺宏一 

导演:押井守 / 





Plot Summary:Inumaru Yomota and his parents Kinekuni and Tamiko are an average family living a mundane but peaceful life in an apartment in Tokyo. One day, a beautiful girl named Maroko appears at their front door; she proclaims herself as Inumaru's granddaughter, having travelled through time from the future to meet her ancestors. Tamiko doesn't believe a word the girl says, but Inumaru and his father invite Maroko to stay with them. The Yomotas do their best to stay together as a family, but the complications of trying to keep history straight for Maroko's sake and having guardians of the timeline constantly after them all, take their toll on the family.
