



Plot Summary:1981: Sonny is the son of Jewel who runs a small brothel in New Orleans. He returns home from the army, staying with his mother while waiting to start the job an army buddy of his promised him. Jewel tries to convince him to come back to working for her as he had before the army, saying many of his old clients still miss him and he was the best gigolo she had ever had. He repeatedly turns her down, wanting to leave that life behind. However, the job he was promised never materializes and he is forced to return to working for his mother. Jewel had recently recruited a new girl to the brothel, Carol, who meets him and falls in love with him. They talk of getting out together. One of Carol's clients, an older man, proposes to her. She initially declines, hoping to go away with Sonny. She and Sonny fall out as he fails to make an effort to get out of the business, instead becoming increasingly introverted and depressed, with occasional outbursts as he looks for more work. Ultimately, ...
这是一个以80年代的新奥尔良为背景的真人真事。英俊的年轻人桑尼(詹姆斯·弗兰克饰)刚刚被军队除名。因为他的家庭背景和经历都极其特殊。桑尼的母亲珠儿(布兰达·布莱辛饰)是新奥尔良人人皆知的妓院老板娘,在日渐没落之后,她幻想把很多老女人都青眼有加的儿子,塑造成妓院里的招牌明星。   桑尼在参军之前,就已经是当地有名的男妓了。桑尼为了摆脱这种堕落的生活报名参军,离开了母亲。但是被军队除名之后,无处可去的桑尼只好又回到了新奥尔良,他想找一份正当的工作养活自己,摆脱母亲从而离开那个令人羞耻的行业。但是母亲一心要让桑尼继承自己的事业。与此同时在痛苦和矛盾中苦苦挣扎的桑尼,爱上了妓院里新来的姑娘卡洛尔(米娜·苏瓦里饰)。他必须做出选择:留下来按照母亲的要求生活,或者为了自己的尊严和爱情站出来勇敢抗争……
