Plot Summary:A first-time model, a webcam sex worker, and a power-hungry homophobe journey through their insecurities and vulnerabilities. This hedonistic and seductive short film challenges toxic hyper-masculinity and the abuse of power through three vignettes.
一个初入职场的模特儿、一个网络摄像头性工作者和一个权力欲极强的恐同症患者,在他们的不安全感和脆弱中度过了一段旅程。这部享乐主义和诱惑的短片通过三个小故事挑战有毒的超男性气质和权力的滥用。 A first-time model, a webcam sex worker, and a power-hungry homophobe journey through their insecurities and vulnerabilities. This hedonistic and seductive short film challenges toxic hyper-masculinity and the abuse of power through three vignettes. 豆瓣:爱看电影的浩浩