天平Sayidat Al Bahr(2019)

又名:天秤 / Scales / 人鱼祭


主演:Basima Hajjar Yagoub Alfarhan Abdulaziz Shtian Ibrahim Al-Hasawi Rida Ismail Ali Abdallah Al Kamzari Fathi Ahmad All Kamzari Mohammed Tareq Al Shehhi Walid Khalid Dawood Osama Suheil Al Zarafi Mohannad Hassan Al Zohoury Seif Ibrahim Al Hamadi Ali Abdullah Al Kamzari Hassan Al Kamzari Mohammed Abdullah Al Kamzari 阿什拉夫·巴姆 

导演:沙哈德·阿米恩 / 





Plot Summary:Set in a dystopian landscape, SCALES is the story of a young strong-willed girl, Hayat, who lives in a poor fishing village governed by a dark tradition in which every family must give one daughter to the sea creatures who inhabit the waters nearby. In turn the sea creatures are hunted by the men of the village. Saved from this fate by her father, Hayat is considered a curse on the village and grows up an outcast. Nevertheless, she does not surrender to this fate and fights for a place within her village. After her mother gives birth to a baby boy, Hayat must accept the brutal custom of giving herself to the sea creatures or finding a way to escape.
Scales(Sayidat Al Bahr)是沙特阿拉伯作家兼导演Shahad Ameen的首部故事片。这部富有想象力的电影通过一个年轻女孩的故事来探讨女性在社会中不断变化的角色,她选择定义自己的命运,并蔑视她的村庄将女孩子交给生活在海中的神秘生物的传统。根据Ameen获奖的短片,Scales在阿曼拍摄,在那里大海和岩石环境创造了一个反乌托邦,黑白相间的景观。"Scales的故事是对我和世界上许多其他女性所经历过的经历的寓言性重述。虽然它是在一个永恒的,反乌托邦的风景中,但电影通过魔幻现实主义来解决当代主题,并采用诗意的方式来讲述由隐喻和象征主义所定义的故事,"Ameen说。
