在家En Casa(2020)

又名:At Home


导演:拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 / 罗德里戈·索罗戈延 / 宝拉·奥提兹 / 卡洛斯·马尔克斯·马尔赛特 / Elena Martín / 





Plot Summary:Through different genres (such as romantic comedy, drama or even fantasy), this show takes a look through the viewpoint of five different filmmakers at the unusual context that the coronavirus quarantine provides. What if your boyfriend dumped you the morning the confining is declared? Can confining yourself at home be a brutally freeing experience? What if your confining makes you discover that your couple wasn't who you thought he/she was? Is it possible to travel in this context without leaving your room? How would living this experience in a commune with seven friends be like? These questions and more are answered in each episode of this show.
HBO欧洲将打造新冠疫情题材剧集《在家》(En Casa,暂译)。拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉([普通人行为指南])、罗德里戈·索罗戈延([王国])、宝拉·奥提兹([血婚新娘])、卡洛斯·马尔克斯·马尔赛特([爱隔万里])、Elena Martín([她是茱莉娅])五位西班牙导演每人执导一集,每位导演被要求在各自家中进行拍摄,从不同角度观察“在家”遭遇的问题,每集15分钟。该剧计划于未来几周播出。
