



Plot Summary:During archery in a wood Princess Fantaghiro is discovered by the hostile king's son Romualdo. He is able to take a short look at her before she can escape and immediately falls in love with the unknown beauty. When Romulado challenges her father for a duel to end the bloody war between their people Fantaghiro is send out to fight him due to a prophecy. As Romualdo sees her dressed as a man he believes to recognize his beloved. So he tries everything to discover wether she is a man or a woman and prevent the duel. Fantaghiro starts to fall in love with him, too, but her sense of duty is strong. Will love bring them together or will it end as a tragedy?
公主范塔戈萝(亚历桑德拉·马提尼斯 Alessandra Martines 饰)倔强而美丽,相较于她的两个姐姐,范塔戈萝显得无所畏惧又坚强好胜。她跟随白衣女巫(安吉拉·摩琳娜 Ángela Molina 饰)学习剑术,希望像男人一样战斗,可以有朝一日保卫国家,为人民带来和平。然而她的父王(马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf 饰)却一直希望能由一个王子来继承王位,怎奈王后生完范塔戈萝后就死去了。   在学剑的魔法丛林,范塔戈萝邂逅了敌国的国王罗莫尔多(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)。罗莫尔多被这位神秘的女子迷住了,他深深地爱上了范塔戈萝的双眼。然而两国间旷日持久的战争还是爆发了,为了保卫她的国家和人民,范塔戈萝身披战袍女扮男装踏上了征程。就在兵戎相见的一刻,罗莫尔多认出了这双深恋已久的双眼。
