When a Queen Loved O'Rourke(1915)



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Plot Summary:O'Rourke and his valet, Danny, are stranded in a hotel in Bombay, India. Their funds are very low and the landlord has hinted several times that he would like a settlement. In this predicament O'Rourke thinks of a former friend. Tim Hanrahan, who is under obligations to him and remembers that the latest news from Hanrahan stated that he was interested in gold mining somewhere in India. O'Rourke wires his friend for aid, and he receives a reply to come forward. In order to raise transportation fees, O'Rourke \"hocks\" Danny and the former's possessions. Near the home of his friend O'Rourke stumbles across Hicks, former foreman in Hanrahan's mine, and he tells him that things are at their worst. While they are talking links is killed by one of the natives. The King of Scondia is a firm friend of the Hanrahans and the next in line of succession is his brother, Prince Rahamin Lai. The King's wife is a very ambitious woman, and is in love with the Prince. The Prince, however, finds much to desire in Hanrahan's sister, Molly, and for this reason the Queen determines to rid the kingdom of both Hanrahan and his sister. She succeeds in getting Hanrahan thrown into prison. O'Rourke arrives and Molly tells him of the danger which threatens her brother. O'Rourke determines to get word to the authorities, and despite the fact that all telegraphic messages must first be shown to the Queen, he manages to send his wire. O'Rourke then calls upon the King to ask for his assistance and while there hears a servant telling of Molly's abduction. The Queen sees the gallant adventurer and falls in love with him. She determines to win O'Rourke for herself and sends a messenger commanding him to appear before her. The King tells O'Rourke he is powerless, but, being pressed by the latter, gives him permission to act and presents him with a royal horse as a sign of his authority. O'Rourke is then taken before the Queen. The Queen shows her love for him, but he tells her he can give her no definite answer until his friends are rescued. The Queen then releases the mine owner and his sister. The Prince has been instrumental in the abduction of Molly. He sees the Queen and O'Rourke set out for the dungeon. Calling a body of his followers, he hides in ambush with them. When the Queen sees the affectionate meeting between O'Rourke and Molly, she becomes jealous. O'Rourke's message has been received by the English garrison and a rescue party is sent out post haste. Just as O'Rourke and his party leave the vicinity of the dungeon where Molly and Hanrahan had been imprisoned, the Prince and his followers attack them. There is a fight and the brave Englishmen are about to be overcome when the timely arrival of the soldiers swings things in their favor. The Prince is killed and the Queen begs O'Rourke to accompany her far away, but O'Rourke tells her that what she asks is impossible. Hanrahan is once more restored to his former holdings and O'Rourke bids him adieu, but not until the former has handsomely rewarded O'Rourke. Danny has bewailed his fate, when the arrival of his lord and master once more cheers him up. He is released from bondage and is told of the exciting adventures his beloved master has just gone through, and also of Molly, who, with a tear in her eye, bade him God speed and good luck.
