站错边Príbehy obycejného sílenství(2005)

又名:Pribehy obycejnho silenstv


主演:Ivan Trojan Zuzana Sulajová 

导演:Petr Zelenka / 





Plot Summary:A black comedy based on director Petr Zelenka's successful stage play. It treats a simple theme: Jana has left Petr (Ivan Trojan), a boy 'who's not doing very well at the moment,' and he wants her back. In a film in which love seems like madness (and vice versa) many bizarre things rise to the surface. Petr's mother (Nina Divísková) sends blood to Chechnya. His father (Miroslav Krobot) once did voice-overs for newsreels and his wife forces him to dial a random telephone number in order to find out if people still recognize his voice. Petr's boss (Karel Hermánek) prefers a shop window mannequin to his own vivacious wife, the neighbors enjoy sex only if someone is watching them, and Petr has such lovely eyes... When things in his apartment start to liven up, Petr feels like he's going insane. Or is he the only normal one? Maybe everyone else around him is losing it.
第二十七届莫斯科国际电影节 俄罗斯影评人奖   Petr发现自己迷失在没有前途的机场调度员的工作中,女友也甩了他,去寻找更有期望值的意中人。然而,现实却越来越显现出在围绕着他的光怪陆离但毫无疑问的正常世界中,他或许是唯一神志健全的人。父亲习惯用他的大嗓门评论社会主义时期的新闻影片,但却又窘于自由地新时代。母亲沉迷于捐赠二手衣服以减轻战争和灾祸的影响。Petr老板的性趣偏爱商店里的橱窗模特。Petr也很快靠被付费观察邻居的亲密时刻得以增补收入。一个意外的电话和一点点妖术开始了一出不受约束的荒诞剧情。
