寂寞的老鼠The Lonesome Mouse(1943)


主演:威廉·汉纳 Harry Lang 莉莲·伦道夫 

导演:约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳 / 





Plot Summary:Jerry crashes a vase onto Tom's head, which gets Mammy to throw Tom out. Jerry revels in his freedom, among other things turning Tom's picture into a Hitler caricature then spitting on it. But he soon tires of this, and under a flag of truce, hatches a plan with Tom. The abnormally talkative duo stage a grand chase, but whenever they're out of sight of Mammy, they fake it, pausing for patty-cake, a turkey leg, and a drum jam session. Eventually, Tom chases Jerry under a rug, then swaps in a tomato, which Mammy crushes. With Jerry apparently vanquished, Tom is rewarded with a pie, but when Jerry tries to claim his share, Tom shuts him out.
某天,倒霉的老猫汤姆遭到女主人的训斥,原来他捕鼠不力,还将家里闹得天翻地覆,乱作一锅粥。他得到了一个最后通牒,在抓不住小老鼠杰瑞的话,他将被主人扫地出门。这个消息对杰瑞来说无疑是天大的喜讯,因此杰瑞略施小计,便令汤姆失去工作和栖身之地,只能流落街头,唉声叹气。   自此,偌大的房子成了杰瑞幸福安逸的小王国,他放心大胆地吃各种美食,连汤姆的猫窝都成了他的寝宫。可是,这种快感并未持续太久,杰瑞很快就感到了难以名状的孤独与落寞。他知道,只有窗外的汤姆才能帮他找回往昔的快乐。于是,一个将汤姆带回房内的计划诞生了……
