Bush Pilot(1947)

又名:Piloto das Selvas


主演:罗谢尔·哈德森 杰克·拉鲁 Austin Willis 弗兰克·佩里 Joseph Carr Gordon Adam Michael Lambert 露易丝·坎贝尔 Florence Kennedy Charles Emerson Robert Christie Gerald Rowan Eric Clavering James Peddie Nancy Graham 

导演:Sterling Campbell / Larry Cromien / 

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Bush Pilot:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Red North is getting by as a reliable small-time bush pilot in Canada's north. But Red's vindicative half-brother Paul Gerard decides to relocate his bush pilot business to the same lake, cutting into Red's routes. Which one is going to fly to the mining camp carrying that dangerous load of nitro?
Red North is getting by as a reliable small-time bush pilot in Canada's north. But Red's vindicative half-brother Paul Gerard decides to relocate his bush pilot business to the same lake, cutting into Red's routes. Which one is going to fly to the mining camp carrying that dangerous load of nitro?
