
又名:被遗忘在加萨走廊的少女(台) / 撤离安全区 / 流离家族 / התנתקות / Disimpegno / Disengagement


主演:朱丽叶·比诺什 让娜·莫罗 李伦·勒夫 

导演:阿莫斯·吉泰 / 





Plot Summary:A story in two parts and two places. In 2005 in Avignon, a man has died; at his house his body lies in state attended by a soprano and by his daughter Ana, who is in the process of leaving her husband. His adopted son Uli, an Israeli police officer, arrives for the funeral. With Uli, Ana is playful, even foolish, and she attempts to forge a new will of her father's. The family attorney brushes aside her forgery and produces a true will that upsets Ana and sends her, with Uli, to Israel where she must visit a settlement scheduled for destruction in the Gaza disengagement. What are the wellsprings of emotion, and what of an embrace?
以色列裔法国女子安娜(Juliette Binoche 茱丽叶•比诺什 饰),自幼随父亲从法国回到以色列定居。父亲为了不忘记曾在法国土地上打拼的祖先,特别禁止安娜学习希伯来语。青春孟浪的安娜与以色列男子情愫暗生,并产下一女。然战争导致离乱,安娜无奈之下只得将女儿留在巴勒斯坦的犹太人隔离区,从此离开这个伤心之地。   多年后,安娜的父亲病危,她得以返回以色列,并与同父异母的弟弟尤里(Liron Levo 饰)相见。从律师口中得知,安娜的女儿丹娜(Dana Ivgy 饰)仍生活在犹太人隔离区,祖孙早已相认,外公更是为这个孤独的外孙女留下一份遗产。   思念女儿的安娜在尤里的帮助下,踏上了前往加沙的寻女之路……
