Blue Drop~天使们的戏曲~:在线播放

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Blue Drop~天使们的戏曲~:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:All the blue drop stories revolve around a war between humanity and the Arume, an alien race consisting soley of women. Both manga series are set after the war while the anime is set before. The two manga series feature some degree of sexual content; the second manga being considerably more...
若竹玛丽离开祖母,进入了海边的全寄宿制名门女校就读,在去学校的途中,她看到了一位伫立在鸽群中的少女。原来那位少女是入侵地球的舰队舰长——萩乃。而此时的萩乃已经是学校里人人憧憬的学校干部。   这两人的相遇是偶然还是必然?互相对抗却又互相吸引的两个人,他们的心渐渐重叠在一起……
