厄立特里亚难民之声Sound of Torture(2013)



导演:Keren Shayo / 





Plot Summary:Swedish-Eritrean radio host Meron Estefanos produces her weekly program at home in Stockholm where she broadcast, devoted entirely to the hundreds of Eritrean refugees held hostage in the Egyptian Sinai Desert. The Bedouins kidnap Eritreans making their way to Israel and demand large ransoms from their families. We follow Meron in her attempts to turn the tide by calling the hostages and kidnappers alike during her radio show. The film focuses on the stories of two hostages: A) Hiriyti was pregnant when she got kidnapped. We hear the young woman talking with her husband Amaniel in Tel Aviv, who is doing everything he can to free his wife and their baby from the torture camp. B) The ransom for 20-year-old Timnit has been paid, but her brother haven't heard anything from her since her flight to the Egyptian-Israeli border. The battle for Hiriyti's release and the search for Timnit takes Meron to Sinai. There, she stumbles on the marks left by the many atrocities.
2006年開始,數以千計東非厄利垂亞難民,為逃避獨裁的軍政府,而紛紛跑到以色列,唯一出路就是穿越埃及的西奈沙漠。可惜,大部分人遭武裝分子綁架、施以酷刑、強暴及被逼致電家人要求贖金。電影追蹤瑞典籍厄利垂亞女記者Meron Estefanos借助其電台節目,連結在大氣中求助的難民,深入以色列為每個絕望的求助,帶來一線生機。本片已經在全球多個重要人權電影節放映,並代表歐洲議會,於今年6月25日國際支援酷刑倖存者日於聯合國最高法院放映,藉以喚起國際間對厄利垂亞難民的關注。
