些许好奇Le p'tit curieux(2004)


主演:Milan Argaud 艾伦·巴松 让-克洛德·德雷菲斯 安德烈亚·费雷奥尔 若西亚娜·莱韦克 

导演:Jean Marboeuf / 





Plot Summary:He is free. It is eye, ear, nose. It is astonishment, interrogation. He is - Clément, a 9 year old boy. Who will he be tomorrow? What will he do? How happy are we? He wants to know, he wants to understand. So he spies. Camera in hand, wide open mirrors, he roams the streets of his small provincial town, follows "grown-ups", studies them. He is curious, Clément, detective of happiness. What adventure awaits him around the corner? Who has the answer? "Monsieur Dubois", the bookseller who loves Oscar Wilde? "Dame Poulet" who greedily embraces her. "The police inspector", an officer of curiosity who dies behind the closed shutters and knows "the lives of people"? "The concierge", the "speaker" pipelette? "Sandra", the optician who is eyeing existence through her window. "Astrid", his girlfriend, with a pest look? Or Mommy who cries every night for Papa's departure? Who has the answer? He does not know . He will find an answer, not the one he wanted - Then he will grow.
“他是免费的。他是所有的眼睛和耳朵。他是所有奇迹和质疑。他是9岁的克莱门特。”   他会成为什么呢?他会怎么做?我们怎样才能找到幸福吗?他想知道,他想了解。于是,他暗中刺探人们。随着相机在手,他的眼睛睁得大大的,他滑倒通过小,省城的大街小巷,他住在后,“长大了的人”,他们学习。他很好奇,克莱门特,侦探试图找到幸福的秘密。   什么冒险在街角等待着他?谁拥有了他的问题的回应?杜波依斯先生,卖书人喜欢王尔德?圣母院布莱亲吻他亲切吗?谁闭门同行和警察局长知道所有有关人民的生活吗?礼宾服务,镇的八卦扩音?桑德拉,手表存在的配镜通过她通过她的商店橱窗?阿斯特丽德,他与女友美丽的面孔?或妈妈的呼喊每天晚上,当他的父亲离开呢?谁可以回答他的问题吗?他不知道。   他会找到一个答案,而不是一个他期待,在这个过程中成长,年纪大一点的...   By Google Translate
