被救赎的灵魂Zádusní obet(2017)


主演:Viktor Antonio Jirí Capka 伊戈尔·巴雷斯 

导演:吉里·斯沃博达 / 





Plot Summary:The detective story set in the early 20th century is full of suspense, twists and emotions. Love, hate and desire for revenge are the strongest motivation for the trio of its protagonists. Military trenches are still full of war victims when superintendent Mondl arrives from Vienna in a small Czech town with the task to track down the serial killer of young men and dispel all doubts that the murders are ritual. Who is the perpetrator, and what is his motive? Suspicion gradually centers on a few persons, including Alma. Once employed as a cook, she now takes care of a little orphaned girl Lea, previously a patient of a mental sanatorium, daughter of her deceased former employer. The experienced detective wants to believe that there's a streak of good waiting to be released in every human being. Human animals once damaged the innocent soul, and got their comeuppance. The detective finds the truth, and opts for justice. But merciless fate soon pays him back.
