The Heart of Kathleen(1913)



导演:Raymond B. West / 

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Plot Summary:Kathleen and Denis Conner, a bold Irish lad of Killadykee, Ireland, are sweethearts. Kathleen and Denis are on the beach during a storm, watching and waiting for signs of the good ship which is bringing Kathleen's father home. Terrible and heart-rending scenes aboard the vessel as she founders. (This scene was taken in a terrific storm. It was with difficulty that the company was rescued). Kathleen's father and a stranger were thrown up on the beach. Father was dead and it was with difficulty that the stranger, Robert Strathcone, was resuscitated. While convalescing, Strathcone makes ardent love to Kathleen, who is attracted by his smooth talk and manner. Denis, noticing the state of affairs, remonstrates with Kathleen, who in anger gives him back his ring, declaring it is all over between them. A year passing still sees Strathcone at Killadykee. In spite of the letters pleading with him to come to England and forget the Irish lass, from his father. Lord Strathcone. Robert finally tires of the girl, writes her that he is going home. Kathleen receiving the note telling of his duplicity and knowing she is ruined, is stunned by the blow and bewilderedly wanders away. Denis finds her on the beach dead.
