The Little Irish Girl(1926)


主演:多洛雷斯·卡斯特洛 约翰·哈伦 Matthew Betz 

导演:罗伊·德尔·鲁斯 / 

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The Little Irish Girl:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Beautiful Dot Walker is part of a ring of crooks in San Francisco, who use her to lure impressionable young men into a crooked card game. Young Johnny has come to the big city to sell his grandmother's hotel back in his home town, but he falls under Dot's spell, gets suckered into the game and loses all his money. He asks his newfound "friends" to come back to his hometown to buy the hotel. They accept, but are actually planning to swindle Johnny's grandmother out of her hotel. It turns out that Granny isn't quite the easy mark they thought she would be.
