The House of Secrets(1936)


主演:莱斯利·芬顿 Muriel Evans 诺尔·马蒂森 

导演:Roland D. Reed / 

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Plot Summary:Globe-trotter Barry Wilding (Leslie Fenton) intercedes when a man annoys Julie Kenmore (Muriel Evans) on a ship crossing the English Channel, but she refuses to tell him her name or address. Barry determines to find her in London, but he is summoned to a lawyer's office and informed that he has inherited "The Hawk's Nest", a large estate outside London. He has to sign a declaration that he will never sell the property. He arrives there and is roughly put off his own property be trespassers who have taken up residence. Despite offers to buy the estate and warnings to get out of England, Barry refuses to do either. Julie appears and tells Barry she is living at "The Hawk's Nest" and he must allow her and her father, Dr. Kenmore (Morgan Wallace), to continue to live there for at least six months, and he can not visit her there. But Barry continues to try to solve the mystery that surrounds his inheritance even after being attacked by three American gangsters. Barry tries to enlist the ...
