Ladronas de Almas(2015)


主演:索菲亚·斯尼加 娜塔莎·杜佩伦 Ana Sofía Durán Ricardo Dalmacci Javier Escobar Luis Gatica 胡安·安赫尔·埃斯帕扎 Jorge Luis Moreno Arnulfo Reyes Sanchez Tizoc Arroyo 

导演:Juan Antonio / 

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Ladronas de Almas:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:During mexican independence war, a group of insurgents arrive to and old semi-abandoned ranch. In there a crippled man lives with his three daughters and a couple of servants. After one night the insurgents start to find out that the family living there hides something really dark.
During the battles between insurgents and the Realist Spanish Army in the Independnce of Mexico some outlaws try to find a treasure guarded by zombies and few women.
