Kilómetro 111(1938)


主演:Pepe Arias 德利娅·加尔塞斯 José Olarra Ángel Magaña Miguel Gómez Bao Juan Bono Inés Edmonson 

导演:Mario Soffici / 

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Kilómetro 111:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Ceferino is the train station chief o a remote little town. A group of planters ask him to legit them some of the wagons to send the harvest to Buenos Aires, he agrees, but because of that, he is fired. At the same time, her niece runs away to Buenos Aires to be an actress, but she is deceived by a fake academy.
Ceferino is the train station chief o a remote town. A group of planters ask him to legit them the wagons to send the harvest to Buenos Aires, he agrees, but he gets fired.
