绿色能源的隐藏面La face cachée des énergies vertes(2020)

又名:Dark Side of Green Energies / 綠能黑暗面



导演:Jean-Louis Perez / Guillaume Pitron / 





Plot Summary:Faced with climate change, many countries have embarked on the energy transition. Since the COP21 in 2015, which set demanding targets for reducing greenhouse gases, green energies have been on the rise. The electric car has thus become the mascot of this revolution. But manufacturers remain discreet about the carbon footprint of their cars marked "zero emission". Because not only do they consume electricity that is not always clean, but they also consume rare metals such as cobalt or lithium, the extraction of which causes havoc on the other side of the world. In China, for example, champion of rare metals, in Heilongjiang province, a carpet of toxic dust covers agricultural regions.
電動車、風力發電機和太陽能板……,能源轉型看似可望帶來一個更加繁榮與和平的世界,徹底擺脫石油、污染及能源匱乏等問題。但事實證明這樣的官方說法只是迷思。      在擺脫化石燃料的同時,我們也正在養成對稀有金屬的依賴。這些戰略資源的供應已經開始引發嚴重的生態和經濟問題,說不定等待我們的「綠色世界」已經變成了一場新的夢魘?   2021 法國多維爾綠色影展 「特別獎」   2021 印度烏魯瓦蒂國際電影節 「評審團特別獎」   2021 美國拉斯維加斯電影獎 「社會意識獎」   2021 印度布萊爾港國際電影節 「最佳紀錄片」
