故乡土My Country My Home(2018)

上映日期:2018-03-18(日本) / 2018-07-27(缅甸)片长:130分钟

主演:乌萌瑞仪 Aung Ye Lin Yan Aung 森崎温 

导演:Kyi Phyu Shin / 





Plot Summary:Nan is a high school girl who was born and raised in Tokyo but whose family come from Myanmar. She thinks of herself as Japanese but when Nan finds out that her father is planning on returning to his home and taking her with him, she finds out his history, how he took part in Myanmar's democratization campaign 30 years ago and emigrated to Japan as a refugee. His heart has always been with his mother country but for Nan, Japan is home.
Nan是一名高中女生,在东京出生和长大,但其家人来自缅甸。 她认为自己是日本人,但是当Nan发现自己的父亲打算回国并带她去时,她才开始了解了家庭的历史,以及30年前她的父亲如何参加缅甸的民主化运动并作为移民移居日本,并成为了一位政治难民。 父亲的心一直与他的祖国同在,但对于Nan,日本已经成为了她的家。
