

主演:Kathleen Benner Kevin Moyers David C. Hayes Erin Del Rosso 

导演:Craig McMahon / 





Plot Summary:Orville's lowly job is cleaning up the mortal remains of the competitors in Sportkill (2007). Until he too decides to get a wife from among the competitors. The lucky one doesn't see this as an acceptable solution, though, so Orville needs to tame her through the only means he knows: brutal torture. While he tries to iron out the disagreements with her beloved, he's force to capture and kill her prisoner's boss. Seeing what Orville is capable of, she yields - or is it just a facade while she plans her escape? Has she learned the worst from her master?
Orville is a freaked demented pervert who wants a wife. But his wais to date is a little..... different. He locks the girls in a cage and then beats, chops, torture, saw and finally kill them.
