Plot Summary:TANAKA, a man lives in the countryside, breaks into a game arcade with his friend, rob the safe and runs away with the store owner's car. After straying on a highway route, he finally ends up a lonesome beach. A few days later, a girls idle group, Momoiro Clover, visits the beach for their music video shoot, and find his car in the bush...
荒凉破败的偏远小镇,全然没有大都会的光鲜繁华。生活于此的青年们,仿佛如故乡一般,未曾体验年轻的滋味便过早衰老下去。脸上写满绝望的27岁青年田中光敏(宫崎将 饰),如同行尸走肉,驾驶抢来的汽车,沿着国道全然没有目标地前行。黄昏时分,他驱车来到千叶县一处海边。在这个人迹罕至的所在,田中试图终结此生。次日清晨,少女偶像组合桃色幸运草Z(本人饰演)及其录影带摄制组来到海边拍摄,十几岁的女孩笑语欢歌,热闹非凡,在镜头前进行展示自己的青春风采,全然不知愁滋味。不远处的草丛中,停着一辆毫不起眼的车…… 影片标题来自日本佛教用语,亦作“而二不二”。