我的女儿,我的天使Ma fille, mon ange(2007)


主演:Christian Bégin Karine Vanasse 

导演:Alexis Durand-Brault / 





Plot Summary:As he navigates through porn sites without the knowledge of his wife, Germain comes across a video of his only daughter announcing her impending live performance. The political advisor of Quebec, who previously believed their loved Nathalie immersed in law school in Montreal, went illico in the city to prevent the irreparable. But the girl is not found, and Germain does for her investigation only vague clues found in the site, as well as secrets torn from the junkie girlfriend of his daughter, which puts him on the trail of a boyfriend. The latter, at the head of a cyber-XXX empire, was quick to break into the identity of Germain, and prevent Nathalie, who, shortly after a tragic incident, agrees to go home with his father. A few days later, a police detective arrives for questioning ...
为政府工作的格曼(Michel Côté 饰)最近要送女儿娜塔莉(Karine Vanasse 饰)去蒙特利尔读大学了,虽然两地车程不过几个小时,然而格曼与妻子仍然放心不下,女儿的大学生活果然出现了波折:一名与她有关系的男青年被人枪杀在堆满毒品与色情录像带的家里……   娜塔莉的好友安琪莉可为生计问题投身色情行业,受其影响,摆脱家庭束缚的娜塔莉很快在同色情网站老板吕克的交往中得到释放自身的感受,并准备为吕克的网站录制影片。正巧预告视频被父亲看到,格曼瞒着妻子奔赴蒙特利尔,试图阻止事情发生。格曼假意为吕克带来合作项目,在按捺愤怒的同时逐渐深入到色情网站的幕后运作中以等待时机……凶杀案探员登门造访,这让一家人空前团结,而事情的真相更令人错愕。   本片获2008年加拿大朱特奖最佳女配角奖。
